
CovInnovate Webinars

Posted on
June 8, 2020

The minute Metro Manila was placed on ECQ, CIA Bootleg Manila wasted no time in designing and delivering high-impact innovation webinars on COVID-relevant topics. From March onwards, CIA Bootleg has conducted several in-house and short public webinars and full online courses for entrepreneurs, executives and educators. These webinars and online classes feature topics such as corporate innovation, innovation design, creative thinking, brand and marketing innovations and education transformation, particularly in light of COVID-19.

The first webinar, CovInnovate Part 1: From COVID-19 to Innovation-20, featured practical tools as to how entrepreneurs and leaders can identify innovative opportunities and generate high-potential ideas amidst the pandemic. The webinar has been run over 5 times to various audiences - local entrepreneurs and management leaders, STEM practitioners and school educators. An international version was also given for the members of Satellite Tribe, the new global collective formed by Dr. Clotaire Rapaille of Archetype Discoveries Worldwide, with the audience coming from Europe and America.

CovInnovate Part 2 was launched in May in partnership with Startup Village. Dubbed "Quantum Branding," this second webinar featured actual cases from all over the world showing how top brands have adapted their marketing strategies during COVID-19. Over 250 participants joined to learn new approaches to evolve their marketing initiatives amidst the pandemic.

Aside from public webinars, CIA Bootleg has developed highly-customized online courses for education clients. The first was for the academic staff of Miriam College. Almost 700 teachers from the entire college, from the basic education to the higher levels, participated in a series of webinars designed by CIA Bootleg intended to help teachers innovate their teaching approaches.

Image may contain: Aaron A. Palileo, text

CIA Bootleg also designed The MEGA Initiative (MGCNL Educator Growth & Advancement) for the school MGC New Life. The program, which spans six 3-hour sessions, is intended to transform the school's 120+ teachers into learner-centered educators. The program features lectures, in-class breakout sessions, group activities, individual work and other asynchronous learning activities designed to help the teachers ideate ways to make their online classes more student-centered.

Name and logo developed by CIA Bootleg  

CIA Bootleg Manila also successfully translated its popular "Creativity and Ideation" and "Brand Innovation Masterclass" workshops into online versions called "Extremely Creative Quarantine" and "Brand CovInnovation."

These online courses spanned four to seven sessions and featured a variety of learning activities and exercises using Zoom's various features - video, annotate, breakout room, polling, share screen, chat, etc - to ensure that the classes are effective and engaging. The 30+ participants of each course, all management practitioners, applied the lessons and exercises on their own companies and brands while being mentored throughout the courses.

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